Any.One Online

Acerca de Any.One Online
Any.One Online is an English Yume Nikki fangame developed as an entry for Dream Diary Jam 6. The goal of the game is to explore and collect Costumes. There are also tokens that can be found throughout the virtual world. When you were still in high school, the only social MMO you ever consistently played was Any.One Online. With new virtual reality tech and user-created worlds, you and your friends used to spend hours exploring, dressing up your avatars, and meeting new people in the strange digital environment. But that was years ago: even though the servers are still running, Any.One Online is practically a virtual ghost town. For nostalgia's sake, however, you decide to log back in. What you find is a surreal landscape only barely related to what you remember, a decade’s worth of unsupported code, scattered costumes, and the looming feeling that something's not right…
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